Button it!

A summer project involving a lot of buttons and one flowery cushion :)

Thursday 11 August 2011

Button it! Day 1

So, today I've started on my (very late) personal summer project. Something to keep me busy.

Yesterday while I was finding some buttons to replace a missing one on one of my cardigans, I started thinking about what I should do with all these spare buttons that I've got. That's when I thought I could decorate an old cushion that used to be my nans with buttons.

I haven't as yet decided whether to sew over the lace, or just the back of the cushion, as the lace is really pretty anyway. But I'm going to start at the edge and work my way in sewing buttons onto the material.

At the moment though I think I'm going to need to collect a few more buttons!

So that's as far as I've got so far :)


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