Button it!

A summer project involving a lot of buttons and one flowery cushion :)

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Flowers completed!

Finally, I've completed all of the different coloured flowers! It looks quite cool, if I do say so myself.

Now I just need to decide how to continue. So far, there are nine flowers, 2 blue, 2 yellow, 2 purple and 3 pink/red. Eight around the edge and a third red/pink flower in the middle. (Pink is my favorite! That's why!)

So I had thought about placing some brown and green buttons around parts of the flowers to act as branches... Sudden thought just occurred - I could use lots of brown-ish buttons to create an actual web of branches across the pillow, connecting all the flowers, like they were flowers on a bush? Its and idea, and I'll need to have a play. Then I could also have green buttons coming off of the brown button branches like leaves!

It's a pity really that I don't have many green buttons... Apparently they are not very popular :(

I have though, got plenty of white/clear buttons to use, and I had intended to fill the gaps left by everything else with these white buttons. Now I've had the branch idea though I may have to reconsider. The good thing is that the crochet pattern on the pillow will allow the branch idea to work quite well I think. But I have so far been pinning the buttons on before sewing them, so that I can get a good idea of what it should look like before.

So far though, I'm quite happy with the result and even happier with my branches idea! :)

Friday 12 August 2011

I found...

...some pretty amazing buttons at my nans today! Going though her secret stash of buttons and I found some buttons that were made to look like old Argentinian coins! And even some buttons that had a coat of arms on them. I decided that I wouldn't use them on my cushion project, as I think they're too special, but I'll try to think of someway to use them in the future - any suggestions appreciated!

Earlier today I was explaining my Button it! project to one of my friends, (I think they all think I'm slightly mad...) but then she surprised me by asking if I would do her a cushion too! So as long as I have enough buttons left over (I'm sure I will!) then I will be doing a second cushion! :)

I got quite a good start on tonight. Started by pining on some of the coloured buttons that I'm using to show the flowers/petals and then I spent about 3 hours sewing on 3 out of 8 flowers... I could be here a while! It's not looking too bad at the moment, but I hope that once I get a few more on it will really start to look something!

That however, is going to take a lot of time, so I probably wont get any more done until Sunday. I'm at work all day tomorrow and then in the evening I'm going to watch an amateur performance of Twelfth Night  which is being performed inside and out!

I'll keep you updated!

End of Day 1

Not much more to report I'm afraid. As seen earlier I sorted out all my buttons into colour, and pretty soon realised that I didnt have anywhere near enough to be able to do what I want yet. So tomorrow (which is now today) I'm going to raid my nan's collection of buttons, hopefully I'll be able to find plenty more green ones which is what im lacking most! Apperently green is an unpopular button colour choice!

So, hopefully I'll be able to make a small start to sewing tomorrow! :)

Thursday 11 August 2011

Button it! Day 1

So, today I've started on my (very late) personal summer project. Something to keep me busy.

Yesterday while I was finding some buttons to replace a missing one on one of my cardigans, I started thinking about what I should do with all these spare buttons that I've got. That's when I thought I could decorate an old cushion that used to be my nans with buttons.

I haven't as yet decided whether to sew over the lace, or just the back of the cushion, as the lace is really pretty anyway. But I'm going to start at the edge and work my way in sewing buttons onto the material.

At the moment though I think I'm going to need to collect a few more buttons!

So that's as far as I've got so far :)