Button it!

A summer project involving a lot of buttons and one flowery cushion :)

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Flowers completed!

Finally, I've completed all of the different coloured flowers! It looks quite cool, if I do say so myself.

Now I just need to decide how to continue. So far, there are nine flowers, 2 blue, 2 yellow, 2 purple and 3 pink/red. Eight around the edge and a third red/pink flower in the middle. (Pink is my favorite! That's why!)

So I had thought about placing some brown and green buttons around parts of the flowers to act as branches... Sudden thought just occurred - I could use lots of brown-ish buttons to create an actual web of branches across the pillow, connecting all the flowers, like they were flowers on a bush? Its and idea, and I'll need to have a play. Then I could also have green buttons coming off of the brown button branches like leaves!

It's a pity really that I don't have many green buttons... Apparently they are not very popular :(

I have though, got plenty of white/clear buttons to use, and I had intended to fill the gaps left by everything else with these white buttons. Now I've had the branch idea though I may have to reconsider. The good thing is that the crochet pattern on the pillow will allow the branch idea to work quite well I think. But I have so far been pinning the buttons on before sewing them, so that I can get a good idea of what it should look like before.

So far though, I'm quite happy with the result and even happier with my branches idea! :)


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