I'm afraid I've neglected my cushion of recently... So I haven't sewn any more buttons on for a while... More of an update coming soon when I finally get a chance to sew some buttons on!
A summer project involving a lot of buttons and one flowery cushion :)
I'm afraid I've neglected my cushion of recently... So I haven't sewn any more buttons on for a while... More of an update coming soon when I finally get a chance to sew some buttons on!
Finally, I've completed all of the different coloured flowers! It looks quite cool, if I do say so myself.
...some pretty amazing buttons at my nans today! Going though her secret stash of buttons and I found some buttons that were made to look like old Argentinian coins! And even some buttons that had a coat of arms on them. I decided that I wouldn't use them on my cushion project, as I think they're too special, but I'll try to think of someway to use them in the future - any suggestions appreciated!
Not much more to report I'm afraid. As seen earlier I sorted out all my buttons into colour, and pretty soon realised that I didnt have anywhere near enough to be able to do what I want yet. So tomorrow (which is now today) I'm going to raid my nan's collection of buttons, hopefully I'll be able to find plenty more green ones which is what im lacking most! Apperently green is an unpopular button colour choice!
So, today I've started on my (very late) personal summer project. Something to keep me busy.